July Newsletter

Sum-sum-summer time!

Somehow, half of the summer is gone.  And from everyone I talk to, the general feeling seems to be that this year has flown by faster than usual (don't we say that every year??!!).  But let us not despair.  If half the summer is gone, that means there’s still half the summer left!

As you prepare to head out for the weekend and look towards enjoying the beach, the country or your backyard, keep these three things in mind:

Three Things To Focus On This Month:

  1. Take inventory of yourself, both personally & financially: We're more than halfway through the year. How does your progress to date match up with your goals for the year?  Are you on target to save at least 15% of your gross income?  Are you maintaining 50% of gross income in cash or cash equivalents as a reserve?  Are there investment opportunities that you should be focusing on?  Are you making progress in the most crucial non-financial areas of your life?  Or are you running in the hamster wheel, not seeing the big picture?
  2. Go outside: Stop and smell the roses, listen to the birds, ride your bike, read a book, barbecue, go to the pool, beach, woods, etc. Being outside in the fresh air is good for your brain, body, and soul. Don't forget the sunblock!!

  3. Stretch your body: Every day for the rest of your life. If this is new for you, be sure to consult a personal trainer or fitness expert to avoid injury and of course, check with your doctor before embarking on any new exercise regimen.

I hope you are enjoying your summer so far and spending time with those who are most important to you.